Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Encouragement and Hope

 Many people take the power of encouragement for granted. They look at encouraging the heart as something that is weak. I dare to challenge that because people need encouragement to step up to and face difficult circumstances.

Connected to encouragement is hope. Several people have made huge turnarounds in their life because of hope. Encouragement and hope go together. When you encourage somebody you give them hope to try again. Hope is a powerful word that produces new futures. Have you ever watched an action flick when it seems as though something is impossible? Then in the midst of the impossibilities someone makes a mini speech to create hope. The little speech about hope rallies the person or persons up against the wall to dig in and excel.

You see encouragement and hope go together. There is power in encouragement because of the hope it gives. I hate negativity. I don't like going to doctors who are negative. I don't like being around people who are constantly negative. Do you know why? Because negativity discourages and steals hope. There are always mountains to climb. That is the exciting thing about life. You need encouragement and hope to climb those mountains.

Let me list a few things that encouragement and hope provide:

1. Inner strength
2. Peace
3. Confidence
4. Desire
5. Determination

I think you understand where I'm going. The power of encouragement provides hope for people, companies, situations…the list could go on. So the next time you are sarcastic with someone who has the gift of encouragement and utilizes that gift, remember, you may need that gift to rise above a difficult situation in your own life. You have the power to give life. Encouragement produces life in the heart of a person by spoken words - words of hope. So harness the power of encouragement and give it to another person by the words that you speak to them. By doing this you will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Encouragement and Standards

Encouraging the heart is not for the weak leader. It is not easy to choose words of life.  Leadership is about choosing to stay on track in the face of negative spectators. Encouragement is a choice.  Encouragement can change the culture of an organization.  I have already mentioned this in my previous blogs.  How do you change the culture by encouragement?

The first way is to set clear standards.  Studies show that people in an organization will respond to clear expectations with words of encouragement. Some people in leadership circles insist on setting tough standards without speaking words of life. Here are some things to remember when setting standards to encourage the heart:

1.  Setting clear expectations through solid values and behaviors will energize people.
2.  Standards equal goals and values.
3.  Strong values determine goals that are set for the long haul.
4.  Goals for the long haul give people vision and energize an organization.
5.  Speaking life through values and vision encourages the heart to move beyond normal to exceptional.

Encouraging the heart is a choice.  If you use encouragement long enough it will change the life of your organization.  It takes a strong leader to choose words of life over a negative and a critical spirit.  Arrogance has no place in leadership.  To think that you have no time to speak life into a lifeless situation means that you've taken the easy way out. 

I love my podiatrist.  He is a man who is patient and gives hope. A little over a year ago I was facing a possible amputation.  He chose to speak words of life to me and take the longer path of healing.  He refused to believe that I had to lose part of my limb to be healthy.  His words of encouragement gave me hope for healing.  As a result of his encouragement I am on the path to complete recovery.

You have a choice today to lead by encouraging others. Take a walk through your organization and choose words that will encourage the heart, give clear vision, and establish values that will be consistent with encouraging the organization.  When you lead with the power of encouragement, you lead with honor and courage.  Leadership is about serving.  Leadership is about taking ordinary people to a new place that they never thought they could go through encouraging their hearts.  If you choose to encourage the heart, you will set a clear standard and propel your organization to new place. 

So, find someone to speak life to today.  When you do you will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Encouragement and Peace

I have always believed that it is more blessed to give than it is to receive.  I know I am not the originator of that saying but I have learned that it is true.  I am in the business of watching and helping people.  I have noticed that there seems to be a lack of peace in the human heart.  You can see unrest in people's eyes everywhere you go.  Why?  I believe we have forgotten how to give.  We are so focused on ourselves - our needs, our wants - that we have become "lovers of self" to  the extreme.

Peace comes with an understanding of the need to give.  Give what?  Give yourself.  I am not speaking of money, I am speaking of  taking the time to give words that will motivate another human being toward greatness.  You have two choices here:  speak words of encouragement or don't speak words of encouragement. 

When you choose peace through speaking words of encouragement you avoid the following:
1. Putting down others to build yourself up
2. Saying negative words about others to prove your point
3. Exploiting the "sins" of someone and avoiding hypocracy
4. Undermining someone else with your negative comments
5. Choosing unrest through negativity instead of peace through giving encouragement

The list could go on...

Looking for some internal peace?  Try choosing to encourage someone else.  Try giving a lift to someone you may think is less important.  Why not humble yourself and give the gift of encouragement? In doing so, you may run into peace.  That's not a bad thing.

Be Encouraged,

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Encouragement and Happiness

Encouraging the heart is about happiness.  Have you ever wondered what really makes a person happy?  I am in the people business.  I meet and talk with people from poor to rich.  As I meet with people and watch their lives I have noticed some issues that really bring happiness.  One issue in particular is validation. Validation is not about receiving something.  It is about the giving of yourself that will bring natural rewards.

Happiness begins with validation.  You can bring validation to someone else.  This is a leadership principle discussed in a great book called Encouraging The Heart.  You can purchase this book at Amazon.com.  Just click on the Amazon link and it will take you to Amazon's site.  You can read about this book.  One of the issues this book discusses when encouraging an organization is validation.  Validation is making someone else feel good.  It is recognizing the gifts and graces of another person and building that person up by validating or recognizing that person on a regular basis.  This principle is necessary if you want to build a strong team.

Again the book is called Encouraging The Heart.  This principle works great in relationship-building.  If you are in the people business than you know how important it is to recognize others.  Establishing great friendships is one key to success.  Another good book to read on this topic is Encouraging Hands Encouraging Hearts.  This book is about building friendships that bring happiness.

My wife and I have five kids and 10 grand kids. Wow!! Where did time go?  Anyway two of our kids, Eddie and Jamie,  have learned the secret of validation through relationship-building.  Both are successful in business.  Both have learned that working hard and validating relationships brings returns.  The larger your field of validation goes the larger the returns in friendship and business.  Both Eddie and Jamie are learning that.  They are both building businesses through validating others in relationships.  They are both hard workers.  They both bring validation to their customers and co-workers.  In their own respect, they are mastering relationships through validation.  Validation builds results and rewards in friendships and in business.

Happiness does come through validating others.  It is not self-focused but focuses on others.  Real happiness is about encouraging someone else.  It is about giving yourself to others.  I worked for a man who sent birthday cards and anniversary cards to all of his clients.   He built healthy relationships through validating others.  When he died, hundreds of people came to pay their last respects.  The funeral home director said "this must be a great man for so many people to come and pay their last respects."  His greatness came through validating others.  He was happy in business and life because he validated others   And get this...he validated others even when they brought no return to him or his business.

If you want happiness, learn how to validate others.  Learn the secret of encouraging the hearts of others.  If you want to build your organization then validate others in your organization.  Validation builds loyalty and brings personal rewards.  So step out of yourself and validate someone else.  When you do you will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Building Strategies Through Encouragement

Have you ever heard the old saying "failure to plan is a plan to fail?"  I have heard it over and over.  I believe it and have repeated it to those that work on my team.  So, why is it so hard at times to build strategies when you know that success hinges on those strategies?  Simple, people get discouraged.

Every leader has the responsibility to recognize what I would call "negative impact" people or situations.  Negative impact people or situations are what military people call critical terrain.  Before our armed forces try to conquer, they build strategies based on overtaking critical terrain.  It is the terrain that is necessary to take in order to gain a foothold in battle and win the war.  This is done when the leader encourages his or her team to push pass barricades and move to a new place.

Encouragement is necessary when it comes to building strategies because it brings necessary elements of empowerment to the table.  There really needs to be an encourager at the helm so that when critical terrain is encountered, fear and discouragement can be overcome.  Now there are certain things to understand about encouragement and building strategies that will ensure success.  Here is a list of 10 ideas that will help when encouraging to build strategies:

1. The leader must be an encourager by showing up.
2. The leader must believe in his or her own heart that their words of encouragement can make a difference.
3. The leader must encourage his team to be proactive.
4. The leader must encourage his team to face fears.
5. The leader must learn who the critical terrain people are on his team.
6. The leader must learn what the critical terrain situations are that hinder his team.
7. The leader must put right people in right places to focus on which strategies can be built to lead and  
8. The leader must use words of affirmation and inspiration.
9. The leader must discourage negativity while looking at hard facts.
10. The leader must constantly encourage every member of the team to step up and use the gifts they
      have to build a viable strategy to overcome.

Constant encouragement is necessary to build strategies to overcome.  So find your key people. Encourage them by recognizing their gifts.  Empower your key people to make a difference.  Empower your key players to be "out-of-the-box" thinkers.  Start small with simple tasks to build confidence.  Before you know it, your team will be building strategies that will bring victory.  So find someone to encourage.  When you do, you will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Encouragement and Fear

Feeling afraid can be debilitating.  Fear will freeze progress if you allow it to.  I have been afraid.  It is not a nice feeling.  Other words associated with fear are: anxiety, worry, concern...the list could go on.  Whats happens when fear enters our world?  Many things can happen but I want to focus on one thing and that is what I call the BIG FREEZE.  It's when you are so paralyzed with fear that you are stuck.  It is when fear so grips you that you stop living for a while.  You focus more on fear than you do on living and working out solutions.

I am a diabetic and I have to watch my feet constantly because I have neuropathy.  I feel pain but not like the average person.  While I was on vacation at Walt Disney World, I began to feel a lot of pain on the bottom of my right foot.  I went back to my hotel room and found a huge blood blister on the bottom of my foot.  If you know anything about diabetes, you know that a blister can turn into a complete disaster.  I was shocked and began to feel really afraid.  I calmed down and decided to call my foot doctor. He phoned me back,  told me what to do,  and called me in an antibiotic. 

The point is, if I had allowed fear to control me, I would not have acted quickly and possibly could have done something to cause infection and have really been in trouble.  My wife encouraged me to do the right thing and I was able to focus.

When you are in the grip of fear, let me encourage you to do the following:
1. Calm down
2. Pray - prayer brings clarity
3. Think
4. Allow people to bring proper perspective
5. Plan
6. Act on your plan

These things will help you in the midst of fear.  When you are working with people struggling with fear don't preach or be negative.  Be there and be a friend.  Listen and ask what you can do to help.

Be Encouraged,

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Encouragement and Uncertainty

Have you ever wondered about the future?  Ever just had moments of anxiety wondering how everything will end up?  I have.  When I have those moments, I try to find someone to encourage.  I can't stand staying in a state of anxiety.  I think everyone has had days of uncertainty.  Just look at our world and the way it is rapidly moving toward more unrest.

Encouraging words help settle the soul.  Everyone faces days of uncertainty.  The word "uncertainty"  means that we don't know, or can't control outcomes as we would like.  We are all in the thing called "life" together.  There will be ups and downs and days when we just scratch our heads and keep moving forward. When I say "encouraging words help settle the soul" I don't mean that everything will turn out the way we like things to, but encouraging words can settle our hearts as we move through uncertain days.

Words of encouragement can bring stability to an organization that wonders about what the future might bring.  Even in times of great uncertainty and unrest there needs to be a voice that helps us navigate to calmer waters.  Sure, things might look bleak, but the assurance that we can grow and learn through those tough times is encouragement in itself.  I work with people who have lost relationships, homes, financial security, and even health.  I try to speak encouraging words that bring life to a soul.  People just need to know that they can grow and learn.

People find peace in the midst of uncertain times through words of encouragement.  There is power in words.  Words can build up and settle the soul or tear down and bring unrest and war.  You can choose.  If you are in the midst of uncertain days, find someone to encourage.  It will calm the storm in your heart and help you to grow and learn.  I know it sounds crazy.  But when you focus on positive and encouraging words your soul will find rest.  When you use your gifts to encourage another person in uncertain times it can actually bring peace to your soul and help you to focus on what you need for peace in uncertain times.

So be encouraged.  Grow., learn, and look to the future with confidence in uncertain times.  Look for someone to encourage.  When you encourage someone else you will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Encouragement When Feeling Unworthy

A definition of grace is "an unmerited favor given to one that is undeserving".  The mere mention of the word human suggests imperfection.  Imperfection pretty much describes my life.  I have hurt people, let people down, said things...done things.  There are days that I wish I could turn back the clock and start over.  The reality is you can't turn back the clock.  Do I ever feel unworthy?  You bet I do.

So how do you encourage someone who feels like a failure or feels like they are so unworthy?  You walk with them and listen.  There are people who ride the self-exalted horse of perfection.  They never have made a mistake and they know how to judge, criticize, and condemn.  They can't see that the words of condemnation they speak amplifies imperfection.  I have been in preaching services filled with condemnation and have asked myself, "I wonder...will I make it to heaven?"

Let's get something straight, everyone needs grace.  Some, more than others, will feel unworthy of a second chance or unworthy of love because of negative words spoken to them in life.  Encouraging the heart means you stop, look, and listen.  Stop what you are doing and hear the one who feels unworthy.  Look at the person who feels unworthy and let them know that they are a human being who deserves to be looked at.  Listen to that someone who feels unworthy.  Listen to their heart.  Don't preach, condemn, or judge.  Just listen.  Remember, everyone is in need of grace.  Even the self-righteous are in need of grace.  Why? Because they can't see themselves.

So if you encounter someone who feels unworthy, encourage them!  When you do, you will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Encouragement and The Dark Night

The dark night...maybe you have been there.  It is a season when things turn black.  Maybe death has invaded your life.  Maybe divorce has clouded your mind.  Maybe you have just hit a wall and you have lost passion.  St. Augustine called it "the dark night of the soul".  It is a season or seasons that you walk through when dark clouds move in and you are fighting to stay alive.

Encouraging the heart is about confronting the dark night with a stable and sensitive presence.  It is walking with another human being without judgment.  It is showing compassion.  It is offering a cup of cold water to one who is fighting to stay alive.  It is honestly putting aside selfishness and doing what is right.

I have met people who have faced the dark night without comfort, care, or the concern of others.  It amazes me how cruel people can be.  It amazes me how people forget that the one thing that sets us apart from being animals is the ability to show kindness and compassion.  I have watched humans ignore others while they struggle with the dark night.  God help us, please...

Encouraging the heart is about offering a word of hope.  Encouraging the heart is about offering a word of courage.  Encouraging the heart is about getting dirty with humanity.  You know, honestly putting yourself in the shoes of one who is walking in the dark night of the soul and offering yourself, your presence, your touch. 

I dare you to embrace the one who is currently walking through the dark night of the soul.  Try going beyond yourself into a life who needs your presence.  I am thinking about hot dogs.  Yup...hot dogs.  I am remembering how I used to help serve hot dogs on summer afternoons to kids in need, to kids who never asked to be poor, to parents who were too ashamed to come out of their low-income apartments to get a free hot dog.  Eventually they did emerge but only if they thought they were safe.

Be a safe place for another person.  Encourage their heart by walking with them.  I was criticised for serving hot dogs.  I think I need to ignore the voices and serve hot dogs again.  It's good for me.  It's good for others.

Try encouraging someone this week.  When you do you will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Encouragement and Friendship

We were not meant to live isolated lives.  The longer you live, the more you understand the need to live in the context of community.  We are bombarded with fears.  We are overwhelmed with negativity.  The truth is, we really do need each other.  We need the encouraging word and affirmation that only comes through friendships.

Encouraging the heart is about developing friendships.  How do you develop friendships?  You recognize the gifts in others.  When was the last time YOU reached out to someone.  When was the last time YOU called forth the gifts in others.  When you cultivate the goodness in others, friendships open up and authentic community happens.  Stop waiting for people to come to you.  Stop looking for the perfect friend.  Start seeing what is obvious.  There are many people who would be YOUR friend if YOU cultivated the relationship.

Encouraging the heart is about becoming an encourager and investing yourself in others.  There are steps in developing deep relationships:

1. Stop being negative - you will be able to share your heart but it takes time.
2. Affirm others - I think you understand this one.
3. Don't talk about people - if you put down others you will scare away the relationship you want to cultivate.  Constant put-downs of others will remind the person that eventually the put downs will land on their door step.
4. Stop finding fault - if you want to see imperfection, then look at yourself.
5. Give space - don't suffocate a relationship.
6. Don't stereotype - I drive a beat up truck.  That doesn't mean I'm a redneck.  I live on a limited budget maybe that's all I can afford.  True friendships move beyond shallowness.
7. Be a safe place - when you become a safe place you will soon have friends and deep relationships.

I have a friend with whom I can be authentic with.  I don't see him daily or weekly.  When we are together it is safe.  We can speak our hearts.  We laugh, get mad, and enjoy life for the moment.  When we leave each other's presence we feel better about ourselves.  He doesn't beat me up.  He doesn't put me down.  He is a true friend.  I have asked him to do my funeral, if I have one...I may give my body to science.  It's cheaper than a funeral.  Enough of that.

Okay, so be an encourager.  Be a healer.  Maybe it's time you grow beyond yourself.  Maybe it's your season to be the mature one and look beyond yourself to see the gift in others.  Find someone to build up and encourage today.  When you do you will change your world one person a a time.

Be Encouraged,

Encouragement and Humility

Encouraging the heart is about humility.  It is about knowing where you have come from.  It is looking at your faults and failures and remembering.  Remembering what?  Remembering where you have come from.  There is no place for arrogance.  There is no place for condemnation.  It is about taking the hard lessons in life and encouraging another person to get up, overcome and excel.

I have worked with people over time.  I have watched people hit hard times.  I have helped many people out of ditches.  I have watched with amazement how people will recover and become arrogant and self centered.  Encouraging the heart is about helping others along the way.  Encouraging the heart is about losing arrogance and a judgmental spirit.

Encouraging the heart speaks truth.  The truth is spoken through the eyes of compassion and experience.  Everyone needs compassion.  Everyone needs help along the way without a judgmental spirit, without condemnation.  Encouraging the heart is not about an "anything goes, oh well" attitude.  Encouraging the heart is about looking at life and helping others avoid the mistakes we have made.

It takes a strong person to weather life.   One of the places that opens my eyes to the power of encouragement is any children's hospital.  I have been in several children's hospitals and watched the need for hope and encouragement in the eyes of  parents and children.  The people who really amaze me are the children. Many times it's the child who has cancer reaching out to a parent, encouraging the heart and saying everything will be okay.  It's the humility of a child that speaks volumes about encouragement.  When a child reaches out to a parent to assure the parent that all will be okay without condemnation or negativity, you know you are in the presence of greatness.

I challenge you today to  look for someone beyond yourself, your family, or your close circle of friends to encourage.  You will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Encouragement and The Unkown

Negative people drive me insane.  There is always someone there to say, "Hasn't worked before, it won't work now."  OK...maybe some things haven't worked before, but that doesn't mean you stop trying.  Encouraging the heart means you never stop saying positive life-giving words.  The unknown is an amazing place of opportunities.  Sure there will be challenges, but challenges create opportunities.

Encouraging the heart always looks at the challenges of life as opportunities.  Look at the unknown as a great a great adventure...a chance to overcome...a chance to excel.  General Douglas McArthur said, “Every great venture in the history of man has begun with faith and a giant leap into the unknown”.  So I say leave the naysayer's behind.  Dream big and expect big.

As a leader you are expected to navigate your organization through all kinds of unknowns.  You learn along the way.  Board the ship and learn to navigate.  Learn to navigate in both calm and stormy waters.  Always put people around you that will support the vision. Never give up.  Never believe that negativity will give good results.

There was a time in my life when I wanted to give up.  The inner voice said, "Navigate into the unknown regardless of fear...regardless of the lack of security...regardless of the naysayers.  Go to work and embrace the unknown as a great opportunity."  We need encouragement to face the unknown.  We need the cheerleaders that say don't give up...try again...you can do it!  I need to encourage someone every day.  Why?  Because encouraging someone to face the unknown will ignite hope.  Hope never disappoints us.  I believe that the encouragement I give others will in time come back to me when I am in need.

I challenge you to look at the unknown as a great opportunity for you to face your fears and excel.  Take hold of the future.  Look at it square in the eye.  Never quit...never give up.  Many people fear death.  I don't...death is a gateway into the great unknown.   I know I will die.  I want to face that great day as a time of graduating to the great unknown.  I hope I get to encourage someone as I take my last breath.  Why?  With encouraging words comes new life...new hope...new opportunities.  I want to give the gift of encouragement.  I want to breathe life into another human being.  That really is the greatest gift.

OK...be encouraged to face the unknown.  I want to encourage you to look at your obstacles as great opportunities.  When you overcome - and you will - give the gift of encouragement to someone else.  When you do, you will change your world one person at a time. 

Be Encouraged,

Friday, February 4, 2011

Coaching and Encouragement

Encouraging the heart is about coaching people through life. Everyone needs a bit of coaching from time to time.  Everyone needs direction from someone who has been in the trenches and knows about the hard knocks in life.  Quite frankly I don't want someone coaching me who has never made a mistake or has never seen hard days.  Why?  Because they no idea how to navigate through the storms of life.

Coaching someone through the storms of life requires empathy and understanding.  Empathy is not sympathy.   Emphaty understands the thoughts, feelings and attitudes of a person.  Notice I said "understands".  With understanding is accountability.  Empathy understands but also helps a person be accountable to craft a plan.  Sympathy says I am sorry...end of story.

Encouraging the heart requires accountability.  That is why coaching and encouraging go hand in hand.  When you encourage you coach.  Good coaching requires accountability from the person being encouraged or coached. 

OK...so how to you encourage and coach?  follow these principles:
1. Listen-Actively listen to what is being said
2. Watch-Watch for the opportunity to give correct words of instruction
3. Act-Do tangible things to encourage
4. Follow Through
6. Hold Accountable
7. Empower

Just my thoughts on coaching and encouraging. So...look for someone to encourage today.  You will be a better person for it.

Be Encouraged,

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Encouraging the heart goes against the grain at times. It takes courage to take a stand and encourage someone that is struggling.  It takes courage to embrace the brokenness of others and dare to help.  It takes courage to be a defender for the less fortunate.  I have watched people criticize the fall of others never taking a good look at the "sin" of their own heart.

Everyone carries skeletons in their closets, yet we have the audacity to pick up rocks and hurl them at others.  I have worked with people for years and have noticed that most of the time people are embarrassed of the messes they get caught up in.  Sometimes the messes are self-inflicted and sometimes the messes are inflicted by circumstances.  I have had people come to me embarrassed of personal bankruptcy because of the housing market or high medical bills. They had no way of ever paying off such large debts.  They get criticized by others.  Sometimes the other people who throw stones who have inherited large sums of money or make six figures.  They have forgotten where they have come from...sad.

I am not advocating irresponsibility.  I am advocating the need to encourage others even if the circumstance they have gotten into is their fault.  Be careful in throwing stones.  You may be the recipient of stone throwing later in life.  When I was growing up I heard the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."  I don't know who came up with that saying but it is dead wrong.  It is a lie.  Words do two things... encourage or discourage.  Tough words may be necessary but they should never be used as a destructive tool.

So be the maverick...the braveheart...and choose to encourage a person today that you think may not deserve it.   A kind word or pat on the back may change the direction of a life.  Say what you want, but being an advocate for another human being is a good cause.  Encouraging the heart is a good cause.  Again...find someone to encourage and change your world one person at a time.

Be Encourage,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Take Off Your Glasses

Encouraging the heart is about seeing the heart.  It is about seeing your own heart. It is about seeing someone else's heart.  Encouraging the heart is about allowing yourself to see people through a different set of eyes.  Encouraging the heart is about seeing through another pair of glasses than what you are used to.  It is about going beyond yourself.

So...take off your glasses.  Get ready to see through another pair of glasses.  Look through a pair of glasses that allows you to have heart.  Look through a pair of glasses that is selfless instead of selfish.  Try seeing through a pair of glasses that promotes kindness and compassion.  Try seeing through a pair of glasses that sees the potential of a person and be willing to take time to develop that potential.

We are so used to seeing through the same set of glasses that our hearts remain hard to new things that come our way.  Have you ever met a person who refuses change and never wants anything new?  What a shame.  We have excluded many people and the potential for personal and corporate growth because we refuse to see through a new pair of glasses.

Here is a challenge...put on a new pair of glasses.  Allow newness of life to overtake you.  Try reaching out to someone else because it is the right thing to do.  Try walking with the downcast because you have encouragement to give them.  Try letting go of some moldy money (if you have some) and take a less fortunate person out for dinner.  Go ahead and take the risk and encourage a heart that needs your touch.

It's time for you to see through a new set of glasses.  It's time for you to become the influencer...the encourager.  It's time for you to bring life to someone else.  I dare you to see through another set of glasses.  Try the glasses of encouragement.  Find someone today and encourage them.  When you do you will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Leadership and Recognition

Encouraging the heart is all about learning how to develop your leadership skills.  Strong leadership is necessary if an organization is going to excel.  The strength of your organization will be determined by the development of your team members.  Your team members will follow your leadership if there are key ingredients in place.

One of the key ingredients is the recognition of team players.  Recognition encourages the heart and motivates your team members to excel.  Now be careful how you recognize others.  You must learn your team members.  This takes time but the pay off is incredible.  Degrading a team member is uncalled for.  You are the leader, the professional.  It is your job to develop the strength of your team.  You do not do that by put-downs or degrading a team member in private or public.

As the leader you must give recognition to hard work.  Hard work does pay dividends but the tangible outcomes are not always evident.  Many external and internal factors determine outcome.  It is important not to discourage your team by bashing and demonstrating inappropriate behavior.  Some leaders ignore this and that is why there is high turnover in the organization they lead.  You want to keep team members that produce results.

As the leader you have an obligation to your team to drop arrogance and embrace the attitude of a servant.  Promote arrogance and you will be hated.  Your team will find ways to undermine your leadership.  Your organization will suffer with poor results.  Embrace a servants attitude and encourage your team with fairness, love, and words that give strong direction, and you will be followed.  Your team will also defend and protect you.

So recognize your team.  Use words that focus on their ability to succeed. Use words that encourage the heart and motivate desired outcomes.  Don't bash, degrade, or discourage others with poor behavior.   Build others up.  Call forth their gifts.  Let your team know you value them and value the gifts they bring to your organization.

It is the responsibility of every leader to encourage the hearts of those who follow.  Find your team and encourage them. In doing so you will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Monday, January 31, 2011


Encouraging the heart is helping one grow in confidence. Self-doubt is destructive. It digs away at the heart. It speaks lies...deep lies. Self-doubt can get in your way to succeed. When you lack confidence you lack the ability to perform and achieve your goals. You may say to yourself, "But I have made so many mistakes." So what! Join the rest of the world. The key to overcoming self doubt is refusing to buy into the lies.

Lies sound like the following:

  1. There is no hope for me.
  2. I am no good.
  3. No one will ever love me.
  4. Who would want me?
  5. I will never make it.
  6. No one will ever forgive me.
  7. I can't forgive myself.
  8. No one will recognize my talents.
  9. I am a loser.
  10. I am stupid.

I think you get the point. The list could go on. Self-doubt is destructive and the only way to overcome is to believe life giving words that can come by words spoken to you by other people. You must believe that you are worthy to receive life. You must receive the good things that people want to say to you. You are loved. You are valued. You are a gift to others.

Letting go of self-doubt is a choice. Life opportunities will open up that you would have missed when you let go of self-doubt. Go ahead...believe in the ability to overcome. I dare you to have confidence. I dare you to develop. Will you hit bumps along the road? No doubt. Bumps can give wisdom. Learn from the bumps.

You have a choice today. You have a choice to hold on to self-doubt and negative thinking or let go and imagine the possibilities. Breathe deep. Imagine letting go of self-doubt. Imagine being free and having confidence. Have I mentioned that giving life-giving words to others in need builds your own confidence? It does. Humility remembers the roads once traveled. Humility remembers the ditches fallen into. Humility says, "Speak life to others." When you speak life to others you remember. Remember what? Where you have come from. That gives you confidence to encourage others. When you encourage others you build self-confidence.

So look for the opportunity to grow in confidence today...find someone to encourage. You will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winning The Battle of The Mind

Have you ever wondered when you will ever catch a break? Breaks are recognized and acted upon not caught. It is in encouraging the heart that one gathers the courage to take hold of life. Life will always be filled with ups and downs. Sometimes you get hit by a wave....sometimes you ride the wave. Regardless, the ups and downs of life will come. You must win the battle of the mind.

What is the battle of the mind? Two things...The constant temptation to quit and give up or the constant temptation to be negative and critical. You hold the power to help motivate another person to move forward. By helping another person to succeed you have open doors for your success. People will either look at you as a giver or a taker. It is not a sign of weakness to give encouraging words.

Everyone has made mistakes. Everyone needs words of affirmation. So how to do help others win the battle of the mind? Follow these steps:

1. Be consist ant
2. Never leave
3. Always speak words of life

You must be consist ant with encouraging words. People want to be real. They just want a chance but sometimes the fog gets too thick. What navigates anyone through the fog is a consistant word of encouragement. The spoken word of encouragement is the life giving force behind true success.

Never leave the side of one who has been has bee assaulted by life. I am reminded of a young lady who had been sexually assaulted. After the event her greatest fear was rejection from friends family and most importantly the one she loved and called her fiance. All of her friends refused to abandon her. Her fiance stayed by her side and helped her recover. They got married and had beautiful children.

Always speak words of life and affirmation. If a person is broken because of wrong choices then encouraging words can help a person face and correct the errors that have been creating roadblocks. If a person is broken because life has been unfair then encouraging words can comfort and strengthen a person to dig in and overcome. If a person is ready to transition from this life to the next then encouraging words can help one let go and experience a new world.

Encouragement is huge. Find someone today and encourage their hearts. You will make the world better one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Saturday, January 29, 2011

No Condemnation

Encouraging the heart is profound. Reading encouraging stories about how people overcome gives inspiration and encouragement to the downhearted. I have always believed that people rise to new levels when positive and encouraging words are spoken to them. With that said let me touch on a topic that is all about encouraging the heart and setting the human spirit free.

No condemnation is the the key. Negativity breads hopelessness. If you don't believe me then try for a moment to think about how hard things are all the time and before you know it you get down right depressed. I know of people who have had a much harder time overcoming obstacles because of put down and negative words than those who overcome by the power of an encouraging word.

Before you put down, criticize or condemn think about your life. We have a tendency to forget about the times we needed someone to say something kind or to speak a word of encouragement. We all can be guilty of condemning or putting down another person. I have been guilty of being harsh and speaking condemnation to others. When I look back I deeply regret the harsh words. Why? Because everyone needs hope. Everyone needs words of encouragement to overcome.

I am thinking about Nola Ochs right now. If you don't know her left me refresh your memory. In May of 2007, at he age of 95 she became the oldest person to graduate from college. Her response to her age was the following... "I came here with no thought of it being an unusual thing at all, It was something I wanted to do. I like to study and learn." Wow! Everyone admired her and applauded her reaching her goal.

Learn to speak encouraging words NOT words of death or discouragement. The world would be a better place if we focused on encouraging one another. So...go! Encourage someone today. You will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Encouragement and Toughness

Encouraging the heart is really about leadership. With that said encouraging people is not about being soft. Encouraging the heart is about the whole game of life. It's about being in the trenches and engaging life. There are ups and downs in life and because of that, encouragement may need to be a bit tough.

My wife is Italian. I love her spunk. A few years back I went through a deep bout of depression. I did not sleep for almost three days. I stayed in bed with the covers up over my head and begged God to help me sleep. What pulled me out of that state was some tough words from my wife. She crawled on top on me...got in my face...and said, "Pull out of this! I can't stand to see you this way!" She was rather tough on me. I pulled the covers off of me, said, "Fine!", got up, washed my face and began living again. She wasn't soft. She was tough. She did come to me later and express her deep love for me.

Toughness expressed the right way at the right time can be encouraging. Encouraging the heart is about "toughness and tenderness, guts and grace, firmness and fairness, fortitude and gratitude, passion and compassion (Kaozes and Posner, 2003). Encouragement is about keeping hope alive. That's it...HOPE. The word hope is so important to anyone who lives life. Cancer Treatment Center of America has people flying in from all over the country. Why? Because they focus on HOPE. They encourage and give hope.

Hope is the essential ingredient of encouragement. I can only imagine how Michael Jordan felt when he was cut from his high school basketball team. I have a feeling that sometime after he was cut from the team someone spoke some tough words of life into his heart. He seized hope that was given him through words of encouragement and did not give up. He went on to be one of the greatest basketball stars of all time.

If you are discouraged today let me be a bit tough with you...look up! Get up from where you are and move forward. You are called to greatness. It doesn't matter what obstacle is in front of you, take hold of it and move through it. Don't stop. Be encouraged because hope does not disappoint the heart.

It's your turn now...speak life giving words to someone else. Change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Overcoming Fear With Encouragement

Fear is paralyzing. I have watched people freeze with fear and not accomplish their goals. Fear of anything can cripple and conquer the human spirit. There have been times when I have almost given up because of fear. There is one ingredient that will help anyone overcome fear. You guessed it...encouragement.

I love inspirational quotes. There have been many entrepreneurs who have looked fear in the eye and have excelled because they refused to listen to discouraging words. Steve Jobs, the co founder of Apple, looks at life from different angles. His company would have never made it if he were willing to submit to fear. Read his quote about life:

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Words of encouragement help people excel. Words of encouragement help people overcome obstacles that may have caused some to stop trying. Whatever your fear is, look at it through the eyes of encouragement. I have diabetes. I can fear it and die or embrace it and live. By being encouraged to do right things like exercise and watch what I eat I can overcome and excel past diabetes. I know one day I will die. Welcome to life. I want to look at death as a gateway to a better future.

Let me encourage you today. Live life without feeling paralyzed by fear. Take hold of the fear that is taking hold of you...look it in the eye...breathe deep...and welcome the opportunity to excel.

Be Encouraged,

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Power of Presence

Encouragement comes in different ways. You don't have to say much to encourage someone. Many times what is needed to encourage someone else is just your presence. A hand on the shoulder or a pat on the back letting someone know that you are there for them is enough to encourage the heart.

I have always believed that a person knows when they have messed up. It doesn't take a long lecture to let someone know that they are in trouble. The real question is, "How do you encourage the heart for transformation?" One key answer is the power of presence.

 A minister had been called to a parishioners home. The minister dreaded the visit because the family had just lost a teenage son to a horrible car accident. The minister did not know what to say because the parishioner had been a long-time friend. When the minister knocked, the parishioner opened the door, looked at the minister, and smiled with a sense of relief. The minister had not spoken a word. The minister had with him his favorite pillow indicating to the parishioner that he would be with him for as long as he was needed. The minister sat with the parishioner and the family for hours, not really saying a word.

Later that evening the family told the minister that he was such a great source of encouragement. How could the man be a source of encouragement when he hadn't said much the entire evening? Simple...the power of presence. You don't have to say much to encourage someone. Just be there. Your presence will bring encouragement and assurance that someone cares.

So let me ask you, who have you encouraged lately? You don't have to look far to see someone who needs encouragement. Try looking beyond yourself. I know that you will find someone who needs to be encouraged. Take the challenge and change your world one person at a time through the power of encouragement.

Be Encouraged,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Encouraging Your Network

I have always been taught that you are no more effective than the leaders you put around you. If you want results you have to put the right people in the right places. You must focus on your leaders in order for your leadership to be effective. Your leadership influence will grow as you encourage the leaders around you. Some on your team will receive the encouragement. Some on your team will NOT receive your encouragement. It is important for your leaders to receive your encouragement so you can continue holding the tension of leadership.

In this blog I want to to discuss simple ways to encourage your leaders and simple ways to deal with those who will not receive your encouragement.

Ways To Encourage Your Leaders:

  1. Recognize hidden potential...acknowledge giftedness and empower the nurturing of growing potential to a new level.
  2. Allow people freedom to work in their giftedness.
  3. Make room for growth - don't be afraid to empower the RIGHT people.
  4. Walk with people in their discouragement, but please don't preach.
  5. Let your leaders talk through their own discouragement with you.
  6. TRUST your leaders, and let them know that you trust them.
  7. Reward your leaders - find what they like and bless them.
  8. Invest in your leaders - investing in your leaders with constant words of encouragement will allow your leadership influence to expand.
  9. Invest again - always give development opportunities to your leaders.
  10. If you can, pay them well.

Dealing With People Who Refuse Your Encouragement:

  1. Be patient.
  2. Cultivate the relationship by investing encouraging words through opportunities for growth and honest but encouraging evaluation.
  3. Keep trying.
  4. Embrace the "Maverick" and allow for out-of-the-box thinking and approaches.
  5. If all else fails it may be time for a career path change for the person who refuses to be encouraged.

Is it time to encourage your leaders? Open your eyes and seize the opportunities.

Be Encouraged!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Wall

What do I mean by "the wall"? Well the wall is a point that you reach when discouragement sets in because there are certain obstacles that have gotten in the way of forward progress. Everyone hits those walls and you need to know how to get past them. The "wall" can and will block forward progress indefinitely if you do not do some positive things to allow encouragement to flow and empower.

Here are 10 things you can do to get past "the wall" of discouragement:

1. Take a step away...do some R&R and then go back to the issue
2. Look at the wall of discouragement with others
3. Surround yourself with two or three positive people
4. Exercise
5. Ask the positive people to give feedback to your situation
6. Believe in yourself
7. Allow the encouragement of others to build your confidence
8. Ignore people who say it is impossible
9. Speak life-giving words to yourself
10. Face the "wall" and your fears

The power of encouragement is amazing. Famous people have experienced failure and have gotten back up to face another day because someone spoke words of encouragement. Let me speak some encouraging words to you. Deep within you there is someone ready for the challenge. Get up and move forward. Everything you need to succeed is already yours. Lay hold of it. Believe in yourself and overcome with the power of encouragement.

Be Encouraged,

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

No Permission Needed

Did you know that most people welcome a kind word of encouragement? I don't mean a word of instruction or a lecture. I mean a simple, kind word of encouragement. Let me give you an illustration. I am a diabetic. I try to keep my numbers in check because keeping my glucose numbers in check means the difference between keeping or losing my eye site. Some folks like to scare me about the disease. Some folks like to lecture me. What they don't know is I am already aware of the doom of diabetes if i don't take care of my numbers.

I try to work out daily. I ride my bike 6-12 miles a day. I watch what I eat. I watch my stress level because my sugar levels can elevate from intense stress. What empowers me are kind words that remind me that you are thinking about me and words that encourage me to keep taking care of myself. You may want to say, "I have been thinking about you and want you to know how important you are to me. Please let me know how I can encourage you on your journey with diabetes. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers."

You don't need my permission to encourage me because you have taken the right approach. Most people are very open to encouragement. They welcome encouragement. It's all in the way you approach and handle people. Here are 10 suggestions you may want to try when encouraging someone:

1. Speak words of affirmation

2. Don't lecture or preach

3. Don't judge

4. Know that your presence is enough

5. Show love

6. Show compassion

7. Drop sarcastic remarks...they are self centered and stupid

8. Try to imagine the other person's feelings

9. Be consistent with encouraging people

10. Be a safe place

People are in need of encouragement everywhere. Look for someone to encourage today. Be empowered to reach out to someone in need of your life-giving words. When you encourage others you change your world one person at a time. Before you know it you are changing your culture. So...GO! Someone needs your encouragement today.

Be Encouraged!