Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Wall

What do I mean by "the wall"? Well the wall is a point that you reach when discouragement sets in because there are certain obstacles that have gotten in the way of forward progress. Everyone hits those walls and you need to know how to get past them. The "wall" can and will block forward progress indefinitely if you do not do some positive things to allow encouragement to flow and empower.

Here are 10 things you can do to get past "the wall" of discouragement:

1. Take a step some R&R and then go back to the issue
2. Look at the wall of discouragement with others
3. Surround yourself with two or three positive people
4. Exercise
5. Ask the positive people to give feedback to your situation
6. Believe in yourself
7. Allow the encouragement of others to build your confidence
8. Ignore people who say it is impossible
9. Speak life-giving words to yourself
10. Face the "wall" and your fears

The power of encouragement is amazing. Famous people have experienced failure and have gotten back up to face another day because someone spoke words of encouragement. Let me speak some encouraging words to you. Deep within you there is someone ready for the challenge. Get up and move forward. Everything you need to succeed is already yours. Lay hold of it. Believe in yourself and overcome with the power of encouragement.

Be Encouraged,

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