Sunday, August 21, 2011

Encouragement and Peace

I have always believed that it is more blessed to give than it is to receive.  I know I am not the originator of that saying but I have learned that it is true.  I am in the business of watching and helping people.  I have noticed that there seems to be a lack of peace in the human heart.  You can see unrest in people's eyes everywhere you go.  Why?  I believe we have forgotten how to give.  We are so focused on ourselves - our needs, our wants - that we have become "lovers of self" to  the extreme.

Peace comes with an understanding of the need to give.  Give what?  Give yourself.  I am not speaking of money, I am speaking of  taking the time to give words that will motivate another human being toward greatness.  You have two choices here:  speak words of encouragement or don't speak words of encouragement. 

When you choose peace through speaking words of encouragement you avoid the following:
1. Putting down others to build yourself up
2. Saying negative words about others to prove your point
3. Exploiting the "sins" of someone and avoiding hypocracy
4. Undermining someone else with your negative comments
5. Choosing unrest through negativity instead of peace through giving encouragement

The list could go on...

Looking for some internal peace?  Try choosing to encourage someone else.  Try giving a lift to someone you may think is less important.  Why not humble yourself and give the gift of encouragement? In doing so, you may run into peace.  That's not a bad thing.

Be Encouraged,