Friday, February 4, 2011

Coaching and Encouragement

Encouraging the heart is about coaching people through life. Everyone needs a bit of coaching from time to time.  Everyone needs direction from someone who has been in the trenches and knows about the hard knocks in life.  Quite frankly I don't want someone coaching me who has never made a mistake or has never seen hard days.  Why?  Because they no idea how to navigate through the storms of life.

Coaching someone through the storms of life requires empathy and understanding.  Empathy is not sympathy.   Emphaty understands the thoughts, feelings and attitudes of a person.  Notice I said "understands".  With understanding is accountability.  Empathy understands but also helps a person be accountable to craft a plan.  Sympathy says I am sorry...end of story.

Encouraging the heart requires accountability.  That is why coaching and encouraging go hand in hand.  When you encourage you coach.  Good coaching requires accountability from the person being encouraged or coached. how to you encourage and coach?  follow these principles:
1. Listen-Actively listen to what is being said
2. Watch-Watch for the opportunity to give correct words of instruction
3. Act-Do tangible things to encourage
4. Follow Through
6. Hold Accountable
7. Empower

Just my thoughts on coaching and encouraging. So...look for someone to encourage today.  You will be a better person for it.

Be Encouraged,

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Encouraging the heart goes against the grain at times. It takes courage to take a stand and encourage someone that is struggling.  It takes courage to embrace the brokenness of others and dare to help.  It takes courage to be a defender for the less fortunate.  I have watched people criticize the fall of others never taking a good look at the "sin" of their own heart.

Everyone carries skeletons in their closets, yet we have the audacity to pick up rocks and hurl them at others.  I have worked with people for years and have noticed that most of the time people are embarrassed of the messes they get caught up in.  Sometimes the messes are self-inflicted and sometimes the messes are inflicted by circumstances.  I have had people come to me embarrassed of personal bankruptcy because of the housing market or high medical bills. They had no way of ever paying off such large debts.  They get criticized by others.  Sometimes the other people who throw stones who have inherited large sums of money or make six figures.  They have forgotten where they have come from...sad.

I am not advocating irresponsibility.  I am advocating the need to encourage others even if the circumstance they have gotten into is their fault.  Be careful in throwing stones.  You may be the recipient of stone throwing later in life.  When I was growing up I heard the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."  I don't know who came up with that saying but it is dead wrong.  It is a lie.  Words do two things... encourage or discourage.  Tough words may be necessary but they should never be used as a destructive tool.

So be the maverick...the braveheart...and choose to encourage a person today that you think may not deserve it.   A kind word or pat on the back may change the direction of a life.  Say what you want, but being an advocate for another human being is a good cause.  Encouraging the heart is a good cause.  Again...find someone to encourage and change your world one person at a time.

Be Encourage,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Take Off Your Glasses

Encouraging the heart is about seeing the heart.  It is about seeing your own heart. It is about seeing someone else's heart.  Encouraging the heart is about allowing yourself to see people through a different set of eyes.  Encouraging the heart is about seeing through another pair of glasses than what you are used to.  It is about going beyond yourself.

So...take off your glasses.  Get ready to see through another pair of glasses.  Look through a pair of glasses that allows you to have heart.  Look through a pair of glasses that is selfless instead of selfish.  Try seeing through a pair of glasses that promotes kindness and compassion.  Try seeing through a pair of glasses that sees the potential of a person and be willing to take time to develop that potential.

We are so used to seeing through the same set of glasses that our hearts remain hard to new things that come our way.  Have you ever met a person who refuses change and never wants anything new?  What a shame.  We have excluded many people and the potential for personal and corporate growth because we refuse to see through a new pair of glasses.

Here is a challenge...put on a new pair of glasses.  Allow newness of life to overtake you.  Try reaching out to someone else because it is the right thing to do.  Try walking with the downcast because you have encouragement to give them.  Try letting go of some moldy money (if you have some) and take a less fortunate person out for dinner.  Go ahead and take the risk and encourage a heart that needs your touch.

It's time for you to see through a new set of glasses.  It's time for you to become the influencer...the encourager.  It's time for you to bring life to someone else.  I dare you to see through another set of glasses.  Try the glasses of encouragement.  Find someone today and encourage them.  When you do you will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Leadership and Recognition

Encouraging the heart is all about learning how to develop your leadership skills.  Strong leadership is necessary if an organization is going to excel.  The strength of your organization will be determined by the development of your team members.  Your team members will follow your leadership if there are key ingredients in place.

One of the key ingredients is the recognition of team players.  Recognition encourages the heart and motivates your team members to excel.  Now be careful how you recognize others.  You must learn your team members.  This takes time but the pay off is incredible.  Degrading a team member is uncalled for.  You are the leader, the professional.  It is your job to develop the strength of your team.  You do not do that by put-downs or degrading a team member in private or public.

As the leader you must give recognition to hard work.  Hard work does pay dividends but the tangible outcomes are not always evident.  Many external and internal factors determine outcome.  It is important not to discourage your team by bashing and demonstrating inappropriate behavior.  Some leaders ignore this and that is why there is high turnover in the organization they lead.  You want to keep team members that produce results.

As the leader you have an obligation to your team to drop arrogance and embrace the attitude of a servant.  Promote arrogance and you will be hated.  Your team will find ways to undermine your leadership.  Your organization will suffer with poor results.  Embrace a servants attitude and encourage your team with fairness, love, and words that give strong direction, and you will be followed.  Your team will also defend and protect you.

So recognize your team.  Use words that focus on their ability to succeed. Use words that encourage the heart and motivate desired outcomes.  Don't bash, degrade, or discourage others with poor behavior.   Build others up.  Call forth their gifts.  Let your team know you value them and value the gifts they bring to your organization.

It is the responsibility of every leader to encourage the hearts of those who follow.  Find your team and encourage them. In doing so you will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Monday, January 31, 2011


Encouraging the heart is helping one grow in confidence. Self-doubt is destructive. It digs away at the heart. It speaks lies...deep lies. Self-doubt can get in your way to succeed. When you lack confidence you lack the ability to perform and achieve your goals. You may say to yourself, "But I have made so many mistakes." So what! Join the rest of the world. The key to overcoming self doubt is refusing to buy into the lies.

Lies sound like the following:

  1. There is no hope for me.
  2. I am no good.
  3. No one will ever love me.
  4. Who would want me?
  5. I will never make it.
  6. No one will ever forgive me.
  7. I can't forgive myself.
  8. No one will recognize my talents.
  9. I am a loser.
  10. I am stupid.

I think you get the point. The list could go on. Self-doubt is destructive and the only way to overcome is to believe life giving words that can come by words spoken to you by other people. You must believe that you are worthy to receive life. You must receive the good things that people want to say to you. You are loved. You are valued. You are a gift to others.

Letting go of self-doubt is a choice. Life opportunities will open up that you would have missed when you let go of self-doubt. Go ahead...believe in the ability to overcome. I dare you to have confidence. I dare you to develop. Will you hit bumps along the road? No doubt. Bumps can give wisdom. Learn from the bumps.

You have a choice today. You have a choice to hold on to self-doubt and negative thinking or let go and imagine the possibilities. Breathe deep. Imagine letting go of self-doubt. Imagine being free and having confidence. Have I mentioned that giving life-giving words to others in need builds your own confidence? It does. Humility remembers the roads once traveled. Humility remembers the ditches fallen into. Humility says, "Speak life to others." When you speak life to others you remember. Remember what? Where you have come from. That gives you confidence to encourage others. When you encourage others you build self-confidence.

So look for the opportunity to grow in confidence today...find someone to encourage. You will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winning The Battle of The Mind

Have you ever wondered when you will ever catch a break? Breaks are recognized and acted upon not caught. It is in encouraging the heart that one gathers the courage to take hold of life. Life will always be filled with ups and downs. Sometimes you get hit by a wave....sometimes you ride the wave. Regardless, the ups and downs of life will come. You must win the battle of the mind.

What is the battle of the mind? Two things...The constant temptation to quit and give up or the constant temptation to be negative and critical. You hold the power to help motivate another person to move forward. By helping another person to succeed you have open doors for your success. People will either look at you as a giver or a taker. It is not a sign of weakness to give encouraging words.

Everyone has made mistakes. Everyone needs words of affirmation. So how to do help others win the battle of the mind? Follow these steps:

1. Be consist ant
2. Never leave
3. Always speak words of life

You must be consist ant with encouraging words. People want to be real. They just want a chance but sometimes the fog gets too thick. What navigates anyone through the fog is a consistant word of encouragement. The spoken word of encouragement is the life giving force behind true success.

Never leave the side of one who has been has bee assaulted by life. I am reminded of a young lady who had been sexually assaulted. After the event her greatest fear was rejection from friends family and most importantly the one she loved and called her fiance. All of her friends refused to abandon her. Her fiance stayed by her side and helped her recover. They got married and had beautiful children.

Always speak words of life and affirmation. If a person is broken because of wrong choices then encouraging words can help a person face and correct the errors that have been creating roadblocks. If a person is broken because life has been unfair then encouraging words can comfort and strengthen a person to dig in and overcome. If a person is ready to transition from this life to the next then encouraging words can help one let go and experience a new world.

Encouragement is huge. Find someone today and encourage their hearts. You will make the world better one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,