Thursday, February 3, 2011


Encouraging the heart goes against the grain at times. It takes courage to take a stand and encourage someone that is struggling.  It takes courage to embrace the brokenness of others and dare to help.  It takes courage to be a defender for the less fortunate.  I have watched people criticize the fall of others never taking a good look at the "sin" of their own heart.

Everyone carries skeletons in their closets, yet we have the audacity to pick up rocks and hurl them at others.  I have worked with people for years and have noticed that most of the time people are embarrassed of the messes they get caught up in.  Sometimes the messes are self-inflicted and sometimes the messes are inflicted by circumstances.  I have had people come to me embarrassed of personal bankruptcy because of the housing market or high medical bills. They had no way of ever paying off such large debts.  They get criticized by others.  Sometimes the other people who throw stones who have inherited large sums of money or make six figures.  They have forgotten where they have come from...sad.

I am not advocating irresponsibility.  I am advocating the need to encourage others even if the circumstance they have gotten into is their fault.  Be careful in throwing stones.  You may be the recipient of stone throwing later in life.  When I was growing up I heard the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."  I don't know who came up with that saying but it is dead wrong.  It is a lie.  Words do two things... encourage or discourage.  Tough words may be necessary but they should never be used as a destructive tool.

So be the maverick...the braveheart...and choose to encourage a person today that you think may not deserve it.   A kind word or pat on the back may change the direction of a life.  Say what you want, but being an advocate for another human being is a good cause.  Encouraging the heart is a good cause.  Again...find someone to encourage and change your world one person at a time.

Be Encourage,

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