Encouraging the heart is not for the weak leader. It is not easy to choose words of life. Leadership is about choosing to stay on track in the face of negative spectators. Encouragement is a choice. Encouragement can change the culture of an organization. I have already mentioned this in my previous blogs. How do you change the culture by encouragement?
The first way is to set clear standards. Studies show that people in an organization will respond to clear expectations with words of encouragement. Some people in leadership circles insist on setting tough standards without speaking words of life. Here are some things to remember when setting standards to encourage the heart:
1. Setting clear expectations through solid values and behaviors will energize people.
2. Standards equal goals and values.
3. Strong values determine goals that are set for the long haul.
4. Goals for the long haul give people vision and energize an organization.
5. Speaking life through values and vision encourages the heart to move beyond normal to exceptional.
Encouraging the heart is a choice. If you use encouragement long enough it will change the life of your organization. It takes a strong leader to choose words of life over a negative and a critical spirit. Arrogance has no place in leadership. To think that you have no time to speak life into a lifeless situation means that you've taken the easy way out.
I love my podiatrist. He is a man who is patient and gives hope. A little over a year ago I was facing a possible amputation. He chose to speak words of life to me and take the longer path of healing. He refused to believe that I had to lose part of my limb to be healthy. His words of encouragement gave me hope for healing. As a result of his encouragement I am on the path to complete recovery.
You have a choice today to lead by encouraging others. Take a walk through your organization and choose words that will encourage the heart, give clear vision, and establish values that will be consistent with encouraging the organization. When you lead with the power of encouragement, you lead with honor and courage. Leadership is about serving. Leadership is about taking ordinary people to a new place that they never thought they could go through encouraging their hearts. If you choose to encourage the heart, you will set a clear standard and propel your organization to new place.
So, find someone to speak life to today. When you do you will change your world one person at a time.
Be Encouraged,