Saturday, April 20, 2013

Encouragement and Arrogance

I have watched many people lead...or attempt to lead.  Our corporate world moves so fast that it has demonstrated something very lethal.  It is looked at as something normal that demonstrates confidence and power.  Confidence… You must show confidence…Hmmm…

We have been taught to believe that the lethal aspect of leading is normal and appropriate.  I am talking about arrogance.   Arrogance will destroy the real fabric of leadership.  It is demonstrated in everyday corporate life.  It has found its way into people who once knew how to build teams and influence people.  Arrogance is very distracting.  It destroys teamwork.  

Arrogance is not leadership.

One my favorite shows is Undercover Boss.  The corporate head of a company stepping into real humanity, rubbing shoulders with real hard-working people just trying to survive.  In every case it is changes the heart of the leader.  We watch the CEO at the end of the show moved to tears.  Are the CEO’s that are moved with compassion weak?  Nope. They have found the secret to true team-building and motivation.  It's called encouragement.

So what does arrogance look like?  Arrogance can look like the following:
  • Mocking those who have tried but in your eyes have failed.
  • Not returning e-mails because you think you're important enough to be too busy.
  • Not having time to engage with people who make you successful.
  • Flexing power but not being involved in the real-life aspect of the game.
  • Not elevating the common person above your position.
  • Showing “confidence” that debilitates the common worker.
  • Losing touch with the “common” person.
  • Thinking you’re something….

These are just some signs of arrogance.  Arrogance will destroy your organization.  I once heard someone say “be careful not to forget where you came from.”  When you lose touch with encouraging people you have started the downhill road to destruction.  The fabric of teamwork and solid teambuilding is lost.  Turnover becomes common in your organization.  Those who have been loyal for years will suddenly be missing in action.  Why?  Simple, arrogance has no place in leadership.  When arrogance is detected good people leave.  You may say… “We can replace them… The well is deep.”  Really?

I have watched arrogance destroy deep wells.  Remember Enron?  At one time they were powerful.  They went bankrupt because of arrogance.  Be careful or the lethal power of arrogance will slowly disintegrate your organization.  Most people stay loyal and work hard for organizations that demonstrate appreciation, gratitude, and empowerment.  Remember Rome?  History tells us that arrogance destroyed the very fabric of their culture.

If you want to stay vibrant, embrace the power of encouragement.  Simply put.  Encouragement demonstrates strength.

Be Encouraged,