Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Encouraging Your Network

I have always been taught that you are no more effective than the leaders you put around you. If you want results you have to put the right people in the right places. You must focus on your leaders in order for your leadership to be effective. Your leadership influence will grow as you encourage the leaders around you. Some on your team will receive the encouragement. Some on your team will NOT receive your encouragement. It is important for your leaders to receive your encouragement so you can continue holding the tension of leadership.

In this blog I want to to discuss simple ways to encourage your leaders and simple ways to deal with those who will not receive your encouragement.

Ways To Encourage Your Leaders:

  1. Recognize hidden potential...acknowledge giftedness and empower the nurturing of growing potential to a new level.
  2. Allow people freedom to work in their giftedness.
  3. Make room for growth - don't be afraid to empower the RIGHT people.
  4. Walk with people in their discouragement, but please don't preach.
  5. Let your leaders talk through their own discouragement with you.
  6. TRUST your leaders, and let them know that you trust them.
  7. Reward your leaders - find what they like and bless them.
  8. Invest in your leaders - investing in your leaders with constant words of encouragement will allow your leadership influence to expand.
  9. Invest again - always give development opportunities to your leaders.
  10. If you can, pay them well.

Dealing With People Who Refuse Your Encouragement:

  1. Be patient.
  2. Cultivate the relationship by investing encouraging words through opportunities for growth and honest but encouraging evaluation.
  3. Keep trying.
  4. Embrace the "Maverick" and allow for out-of-the-box thinking and approaches.
  5. If all else fails it may be time for a career path change for the person who refuses to be encouraged.

Is it time to encourage your leaders? Open your eyes and seize the opportunities.

Be Encouraged!

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