Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Encouragement and Humility

Encouraging the heart is about humility.  It is about knowing where you have come from.  It is looking at your faults and failures and remembering.  Remembering what?  Remembering where you have come from.  There is no place for arrogance.  There is no place for condemnation.  It is about taking the hard lessons in life and encouraging another person to get up, overcome and excel.

I have worked with people over time.  I have watched people hit hard times.  I have helped many people out of ditches.  I have watched with amazement how people will recover and become arrogant and self centered.  Encouraging the heart is about helping others along the way.  Encouraging the heart is about losing arrogance and a judgmental spirit.

Encouraging the heart speaks truth.  The truth is spoken through the eyes of compassion and experience.  Everyone needs compassion.  Everyone needs help along the way without a judgmental spirit, without condemnation.  Encouraging the heart is not about an "anything goes, oh well" attitude.  Encouraging the heart is about looking at life and helping others avoid the mistakes we have made.

It takes a strong person to weather life.   One of the places that opens my eyes to the power of encouragement is any children's hospital.  I have been in several children's hospitals and watched the need for hope and encouragement in the eyes of  parents and children.  The people who really amaze me are the children. Many times it's the child who has cancer reaching out to a parent, encouraging the heart and saying everything will be okay.  It's the humility of a child that speaks volumes about encouragement.  When a child reaches out to a parent to assure the parent that all will be okay without condemnation or negativity, you know you are in the presence of greatness.

I challenge you today to  look for someone beyond yourself, your family, or your close circle of friends to encourage.  You will change your world one person at a time.

Be Encouraged,

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